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July 02, 2009

Joel Radio #4: He Had a Stroke

Like everywhere else, the death of Michael Jackson is a big story at JoelRadio. Especially here, since MJ was a big score in the Death Pool! So checking in this week, is the man who had the foresight to draft the once-black pop star, Corey Hall. Taking time out from his semi-retirement, Corey understandably boasts about his accomplishments - he also had Farrah Fawcett! - and how this really is his year to win. The former partners also mourn the untimely death of commercial king Billy Mays, and one of show business's biggest puchlines meets his end as well. Plus, remembering the King of Pop's molestation legacy, how the press got the coverage of his death wrong, and the history of Michael Jackson humor, fresh and updated for 2009.

Right click here to download - 59 minutes, 27 megs

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Posted by joel at July 2, 2009 03:41 PM