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February 14, 2008

Corey and Joel Radio Show #160: The Fat Friend

Corey didn't see it, but Joel starts off the show with his Grammy review. It's hard to enjoy the Grammys when the music is just so awful. Like who? Like Carrie Underwood, Josh Groban, Kanye West, Herbie Hancock and pretty much everyone else. Taylor Swift stinks, but at least she' hot. Not hot - Aretha Franklin's fat arm. Gross. Also, Corey gets a special holiday gift, great moments in racism, February movies suck and which musical legend is ready for the Death Pool?

Right click here to download - 77 minutes, 36 megs

Corey works on his Redd Foxx look. It's getting there.

Posted by joel at February 14, 2008 04:28 PM