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May 31, 2007

Corey and Joel Radio Show #123: That Never Gets Old

After last week's Cherry Brooklyn extravaganza, it's time for the guys to reflect on what's really important, like summer movies, indie rock and record store geeks. Such is this week's show. Remember that movie that Corey and his girlfriend talked through a few weeks ago? Well that was Knocked Up, and we finally have the review. Was it a stoner-geek classic or a chick flick? Maybe both. Also, Corey goes to a gay barbecue, it's the blacks vs the whites at UFC 71, plans for Nigerian email scammers, and Joel's Twilight Zone-like Memorial Day - all in one big, stupid show.

Right click here to download - 79 minutes, 37 megs

Posted by joel at May 31, 2007 03:07 PM