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June 08, 2006

Corey and Joel Radio Show #72: Pride and Prejudice

This week, Corey and Joel go undercover at Pridefest 2006, Michigan's largest gay event. Listen as the guys interview drag queens, rough-riding leathermen, and gay Republicans. They even get hit on by "bears" and giant trannies. Will Corey and Joel join the Gay Games? Will they bust out a show tune with the gay choir? Meet local celebrities like the Mayor of Ferndale and Edith Uranus. Yes, Edith Uranus. Maybe Edith can join the Star Trek Starfleet. Yes, Star Trek goes gay. You must hear this to believe it. It's fun, erm, gay time on this show.

Right click here to download - 79 minutes, 33 megs

Corey with Mr. Leather (above), and Joel meets Edith Uranus (below)

Posted by joel at June 8, 2006 12:14 PM